Don't Think Commonly (Sam Gardner): A Book Review

Don't Think Commonly (Sam Gardner)

Do you feel stuck in a rut, yearning to break free from conventional thinking and achieve extraordinary results? Then Sam Gardner's "Don't Think Commonly" might be the key you've been searching for. This thought-provoking book challenges readers to dismantle limiting beliefs and cultivate an unconventional mindset for success.

About the Author

Information on Sam Gardner is somewhat limited. While the exact details of his background remain elusive, it's evident from the book's content that he possesses expertise in business, personal development, and unconventional thinking strategies.

Who is This Book For?

"Don't Think Commonly" caters to a broad audience, particularly those seeking:
  • Entrepreneurs and Business Professionals: Aspiring to break through limitations and achieve disruptive success in their ventures.
  • Individuals Seeking Personal Growth: Yearning to overcome self-doubt, unlock their potential, and achieve personal fulfillment.
  • Anyone Feeling Stagnant: Stuck in a routine and desiring strategies to spark creativity and innovation in their lives.

Why Read This Book?

Here are some compelling reasons to add "Don't Think Commonly" to your reading list:
  • Challenge the Status Quo: The book encourages readers to question conventional wisdom and explore alternative approaches to problem-solving and goal achievement.
  • Unlock Your Potential: Gardner delves into techniques for overcoming limiting beliefs and negative self-talk, empowering readers to access their full potential.
  • Embrace Innovation: The book emphasizes the importance of unconventional thinking for generating fresh ideas and achieving groundbreaking results.
  • Boost Confidence: By challenging limiting beliefs, readers gain the confidence to pursue their dreams and take calculated risks.

Key Takeaways

  • The Power of Uncommon Thinking: Success often lies in defying expectations and forging new paths.
  • Breaking Free from Limiting Beliefs: Negative self-talk and societal pressures can hinder progress. Uncover and dismantle them for true growth.
  • The Importance of Calculated Risks: Calculated risks, not blind recklessness, fuel innovation and propel you beyond your comfort zone.
  • Embrace Failure as a Learning Opportunity: Learn from setbacks instead of fearing them. Each failure offers valuable insights and paves the way for future success.
  • Develop a Growth Mindset: Cultivate a belief in continuous learning and self-improvement.

Message of the Book

The core message of "Don't Think Commonly" is this: True achievement and fulfillment lie in challenging the status quo, embracing unconventional thinking, and actively shaping your own reality.


Sam Gardner's "Don't Think Commonly" provides a refreshing and empowering perspective on success. By challenging traditional approaches and emphasizing the power of unconventional thinking, the book equips readers with tools to overcome limitations, unlock their potential, and achieve extraordinary results.

Frequently Asked Questions About 'Uncommon Thinking'

1. What is Uncommon Thinking?

Uncommon thinking is the ability to challenge conventional wisdom and explore alternative approaches to problem-solving and achieving goals. It involves questioning assumptions, embracing fresh perspectives, and developing creative solutions.

2. Why is Uncommon Thinking Important?

In a world saturated with information and competition, uncommon thinking allows you to stand out. It helps you generate innovative ideas, navigate complex situations effectively, and achieve extraordinary results.

3. How Can I Develop My Uncommon Thinking Skills?

There are several ways to cultivate uncommon thinking:
  • Question Everything: Don't accept things at face value. Ask "why" and explore alternative explanations.
  • Embrace Diverse Perspectives: Surround yourself with people who think differently and seek out information from various sources.
  • Practice Experimentation: Don't be afraid to try new things and explore unconventional approaches.
  • Challenge Your Assumptions: Identify and question your own limiting beliefs and biases.
  • Embrace Failure: View failures as learning experiences and opportunities to refine your approach.

4. Isn't Uncommon Thinking Risky?

Uncommon thinking can involve calculated risks, but it doesn't have to be reckless. By carefully evaluating options and potential consequences, you can mitigate risks while reaping the rewards of innovation.

5. How Does Uncommon Thinking Differ from Creativity?

Creativity is the ability to generate new ideas, while uncommon thinking involves applying those ideas in unconventional ways. Uncommon thinking takes creativity a step further, focusing on implementation and achieving results.

6. Can Uncommon Thinking Be Learned?

Absolutely! While some people have a natural inclination towards unconventional thinking, anyone can develop these skills through practice and by incorporating the strategies mentioned earlier.

7. Are There Examples of Uncommon Thinking in History?

History is filled with examples of uncommon thinking. From groundbreaking inventions like the airplane to revolutionary social movements, many advancements came from people who dared to challenge the status quo.

8. How Can I Apply Uncommon Thinking in My Daily Life?

Start by incorporating it into your decision-making process. Explore alternative solutions to everyday problems and consider unconventional approaches for achieving your goals.

9. Is Uncommon Thinking Always Positive?

Uncommon thinking should be used for good. While it can be harnessed for innovation and progress, it can also be misused for destructive purposes. It's important to maintain a moral compass while employing unconventional tactics.

10. What are Some Resources to Learn More About Uncommon Thinking?

There are numerous resources available, including books like "Don't Think Commonly" by Sam Gardner, online articles, workshops, and even courses dedicated to fostering unconventional thinking skills.

Book Recommendations Related To Thinking Skill

Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talkingby Susan Cain

Thinking, Fast and Slowby Daniel Kahneman

Originals: How Nonconformists Move the Worldby Adam Grant

Outliers: The Story of Successby Malcolm Gladwell 

Outliers: The Story of Successby Malcolm Gladwell

Steal Like An Artistby Austin Kleon

Linchpin: Are You Indispensable?by Seth Godin

Crushing It! Why Now Is the Best Time to Be Aliveby Gary Vaynerchuk

Disrupt Yourself by Whitney Wolfe Herd

Hooked: How to Build Habit-Forming Productsby Nir Eyal

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